Welcome to Copenhagen and the convention “Love Never Fails”!

We have been looking forward to the Convention, and our community with you in Copenhagen, and look forward to having some spiritually uplifting days.

As a small gift to remember these memorable days when you come home from the convention, you have received a small keychain. We would like to tell you the story associated with this. You have probably already noticed that on one side of this coin is the Tetragrammaton JHWH, which is our great god’s well-known Hebrew name Jehovah.

The coin is a reproduction of a real coin that was published by the Danish King Christian the 4th. This king was born in the year 1577, became king of Denmark and Norway in 1588/1596 and ruled for 54/60 years until his death in 1648. You can se a picture of the real coin here:

In the years 1644 to 1648, different coins were made with different denominations, but all applied to the name of God. Although you may not be able to read Danish, you can still see a link with pictures for the different coins on this page: http://www.danskmoent.dk/hebraer.htm

The whole text on the side of the coin with the tetragrammaton is “JUSTUS JHWH JUDEX” and translated to english is “Jehovah is a righteous judge”

You can read more about this king and his rulership in English at the link http://www.danmarkskonger.dk/king40.htm

This king was a great builder in his rulingtime, where he, among other things, was responsible for the construction of “The Round Castle” which you may have already seen in Copenhagen. This building is also remarkable because on this building is the tetragrammaton JHWH is written along with this king’s monogram. Try to see for yourself if you can find it on the inscription in picture 2:

You can read more about this exciting building in English at the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundetaarn

Once again welcome to the convention in Copenhagen

With loving greetings from all your brothers and sisters in Denmark